This Page is dedicated to great ministries around the country. As with most of the content here, I have experienced these ministries first hand or have heard about them through other believers. I hope you enjoy surfing these great sites.
Evangalism & Crusades
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is dedicated to spreading the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ by public evangelistic meetings, by radio, by television, and by any and all other means.
Harvest Crusade
Harvest Crusades are free, open-to-the-public, evangelistic events intended to present the message of Jesus Christ to people in a nonreligious environment. Begun in 1990, Harvest Crusades are known for their informal atmosphere, contemporary music, and simple, straightforward messages by Pastor Greg Laurie.
Somebody Loves You Crusade
Somebody Loves You Crusades has been organized to awaken the Christian to God's unchanging message. The obedient response to that simple message stirs up spiritual renewal within the church, leading to revival and evangelism of the unsaved. Pastor Raul Ries leads the services.
Radio Programs (Books & Tapes)
Focus On The Family
Focus on the Family began in 1977 in response to Dr. James Dobson's increasing concern for the American family.
Grace To You Ministries
Grace to You distributes more than two dozen books by John MacArthur , (Pastor of Grace Community Church and President of the The Master's Seminary). Grace to You has produced more than ten million audiocassette lessons in its twenty-seven-year history. The hallmark of the Grace to You ministry is the systematic, verse-by-verse teaching of God's Word.
Hope For Today
The Bible Teaching Ministry of David Hocking which can be heard on K-Wave 107.0 FM
Insight for Living
Insight for Living is the radio Bible teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Swindoll. Their 30-minute daily radio broadcast--Insight for Living--now airs worldwide almost 1,450 times daily. Since 1979, Chuck's messages have been aired and distributed through extensive cassette tape distribution all over the world.
The Living Way
Living Way Ministries exists to declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the development and distribution of ministry resources from the gifted teaching ministry of Dr. Jack W. Hayford, Pastor of The Church Along the Way. It is also here to serve the Church of Jesus Christ with those media resources by which the life of God's Kingdom may be learned, lived, and ministered. Their mission is succinctly stated in our motto: "Reaching to touch...Teaching to change."
Truth For Life Where the learning is for living. Hosted by Alistair Begg
The Urban Alternative
A monthly publication and radio program which focuses on rebuilding our cities from the inside out - under the direction of Dr. Tony Evans
Gospel Films
Gospel Films, Inc. is an organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel using various forms of media. In addition to the
Gospel Communications Network, Gospel Films, Inc. is involved in several other ministries.
Men's Ministries
Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's Men's Ministry
The Men's Ministry of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa is focused on the developing of Godly men with a special emphasis on the roles that God has giving them. Their desire is to provide men with the opportunity to grow in their walk with the Lord by applying Biblical principles to the issues that are important in the lives of men by offering teaching, fellowship and support programs that will draw men closer to God and each other.
Compassion International
In response to the Great Commission, Compassion International exists as an advocate for children to release them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults.
World Vision
World Vision is a nonprofit Christian humanitarian organization committed to serving God by working with the poor and oppressed. The work of World Vision includes long-term community development projects focused especially on the needs of children, emergency relief assisting people affected by conflict or disaster, promotion of justice seeking to change unjust structures, strategic initiatives serving the Church, public awareness, and witness to Jesus Christ by life, deed, word and sign.
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