Christian Media Resources
This site is dedicated to providing you with Christian links and information - things you won't find through the main stream media. It provides resources dedicated to telling you the Truth about Jesus Christ and news happening around the world.
Publications On-line
Religion Today
News you won't find through the main stream media courtesy of GOSHEN (Global Online Service Helping Evangelize Nations) which is updated Monday through Friday.
The Dallas/Fort Worth Heritage
The Dallas/Fort Worth Heritage, a monthly Christian newspaper based in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas Metroplex area. Though based in the D/FW Metroplex, the Heritage features articles and authors of general interest and impact to the larger national Christian community.
A Christian Network of information - including music, news, and much more.
Christian Blue Pages
Christian Blue Pages' desire in publishing on the internet is to unite God's people through business across the US and the world.
(Prof - A - Zeen = Prophecy & Magazine) PropheZine reports on Bible Prophecy and World Events.
Radio Stations
Cross Search Christian Radio.
Online Christian Resource Directory for Christian Radio Stations.
Christian Radio Station Listings
Listings by state and a few countries - without links, but still a nice resource.
Southern California Radio Stations
Links to radio stations just in Southern California.
Christian Radio Stations for California
A listing without links of Christian Radio Stations throughout California.
Books, Tapes and Radio Programs
Some duplicate information is the "Ministry" section of this web page
A Christian perspective on the news and trends with Chuck Colson (the audio version).
Grace To You Ministries
Grace to You distributes more than two dozen books by John MacArthur, (Pastor of Grace Community Church and President of the The Master's Seminary). Grace to You has produced more than ten million audiocassette lessons in its twenty-seven-year history. The hallmark of the Grace to You ministry is the systematic, verse-by-verse teaching of God's Word.
Hope For Today
The Bible Teaching Ministry of David Hocking which can be heard on K-Wave 107.0 FM.
Insight for Living
Insight for Living is the radio Bible teaching ministry of Chuck Swindoll. Their 30-minute daily radio broadcast--Insight for Living--now airs worldwide almost 1,450 times daily. Since 1979, Chuck's messages have been aired and distributed through extensive cassette tape distribution all over the world.
The Living Way
Living Way Ministries exists to declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the development and distribution of ministry resources from the gifted teaching ministry of Dr. Jack W. Hayford, Pastor of The Church Along the Way. It is also here to serve the Church of Jesus Christ with those media resources by which the life of God's Kingdom may be learned, lived, and ministered. Their mission is succinctly stated in our motto: "Reaching to touch...Teaching to change."
Stand to Reason
Stand to Reason trains Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square. Stand to Reason is founded by Gregory Koukl.
The Urban Alternative
A monthly publication (available on line) and a radio program focused on rebuilding our cities from the inside out - under the direction of Dr. Tony Evans
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