Upcoming Events
Here's a list (certainly not comprehensive) of conferences, speaking engagements, special events, concerts (be sure to check the Music site also) and more.
Billy Graham Crusades
Billy Graham Crusade
Taking the message of Christ to all we can, using every means we are able.
Upcoming Crusades:
Graham Ministry Schedule
Harvest Crusades
Harvest Crusades The Harvest Crusades have been taking place since they began in 1990. Through
God's direction, thousands have come to salvation in Jesus Christ. Next Crusade - TBA.
Check here for a
Complete Harvest Crusade Schedule.
Upcoming Conferences & Conventions
Youth For Today Conferences
YThe vision of Youth for Christ is, in partnership with the body of Christ, to see
every young person in every people group in every nation have the opportunity to
make an informed decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ and to become a
part of a local church.
National Youth Workers Conventions
You won't believe what it's like to connect with thousands of other youth workers. People who share your passion, your
calling—from all denominations, from all over the planet. Learning, playing, networking, worshiping. Immersing yourself in non-stop
training, celebration, and renewal!
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